Illini 4000

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Team Update

The weather is finally starting to turn around and warm up from the cold and windy winter that we had this year. It seems that this winter was windier than most, however it could just be that I'm more aware of the weather these days, trying to fit in whatever time on my bike that I can manage.While we have been practising and training every weekend as a team, last weekend the weather was nice enough for an impromptu ride through the country side. It was also my first opportunity to try out my new cycling shoes and pedals. To say the least, I now understand why people love their clipless pedals. The connection that you have with the bike is simply amazing. Unfortunately for us it decided to briefly rain and for a few minutes hail on us during our outing, but that didn't deter us. After all, we had promised ourselves to get frozen custard at Jarling's when we returned. All in all, I'm excited that I'm doing this trip and the people that I'm going with.