Illini 4000

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Day 4: Climbing to the Capitol | Aberdeen, MD to Washington, D.C.

The road to Washington D.C. was long and steep, but made arriving at so many iconic national symbols all the more rewarding in the end. Day 4 brought the most climbing the team has seen so far in a single ride, with nearly 5,000 total feet of elevation. The ride was a constant rhythm of ups and downs, bringing new challenges of fast descents and populated roads. The beautiful weather made for a gorgeous trip to our nation’s capital.

Ride Overview

Mileage: 86.5

Elevation: 4,895’

Points of Interest: University of Maryland, Howard University, the United States Capitol, the Washington Monument

Quote(s) of the day:

Tales of the Trail

The I4K team woke up Thursday morning with a slightly daunting task ahead of them: bike just under 90 miles, climb nearly 5,000 feet, don’t get lost in city traffic, and make it to their total of six different stayover locations for the night in one piece. Easy enough, right? 

We rolled out at 6:00 a.m. to amazing weather, with some riders even wearing jackets for the slightly chilly morning air. The rolling hills of Maryland came under our wheels almost immediately, and it was an early challenge to take these inclines slowly and controlled in order to save energy for the rest of the day. The mental focus of the morning was critical; always watching traffic, watching the road to avoid any stray obstacles, pacing and keeping formation with teammates, and knowing when to shift gears were only a few of the things constantly at the front of our minds. While the physical aspect of such a long ride is taxing, the mental efforts are equally draining. Nevertheless, the team kept high energy through the first rest stop.

We try to be sneaky with candid pictures, but there’s always someone who catches the camera — and it’s usually Anthony.

The beautiful views of the Maryland countryside were a welcome reward for the lengthy climbs of the day. Many of us have already placed Maryland as one of our top states of the ride so far — few were fans of the rough street conditions for cycling in New Jersey and New York. The nature within the past couple of days has been absolutely beautiful, and while we’re all excited to return to the flat ground of the Midwest, few of us are missing the never-ending views of cornfields.

Logan helps Izzy fill up a water bottle. Hydrate or diedrate!!!

Did I mention that there were some hills on this route? Though they’re undoubtedly nothing compared to some mountains we might see out West, as the day proceeded the uphills wore more and more on the legs. The toll of cycling for four days in a row has started to hit, as the team isn’t really used to riding for so many consecutive days yet. However, we’re managing the climbs well, primarily with good attitudes and energy held throughout the day. We’re also experimenting with different tactics of making the climbs easier by passing the time! Many teammates have taken to singing during the uphills — Olivia’s group was serenaded with several hits from Taylor Swift’s discography, including the ten minute version of her single “All Too Well.”

Olaf, Anthony, Dylan, and Logan attack one of the biggest climbs of the day.

The hills also bring an interesting pacing challenge for groups, as our riders will often catch up with one another along the route. Ride groups consist of 3-5 riders (randomized every morning) and are meant to stay a few minutes apart from one another in order to not merge and create the chaos of a “mega group.” Riding in smaller groups is safer, primarily for ease of communication and staying in formation. Groups communicated very well with one another today as we’re all still finding our pacing on the climbs, with some pulling off to give others space or allowing others to pass them for safer travels in city traffic.

No sheep were spotted at this sheep crossing. Disappointment was felt across the team, but we pushed on.

The endless build up (literally) wasn’t for nothing, as the team converged on their destination of Washington D.C. slightly later than expected, clocking in over 12 hours of riding for the day. While rolling through D.C. was somewhat tedious with high traffic and stop signs every block, the views of the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, and Capitol Building were all well worth it in the end. 

The Washington Monument, captured by Kavin

We closed out the day by packing the van with all of our gear and bikes to drop off at our assortment of stayovers for tonight — shoutout to the various UIUC alumni in the D.C. area who are graciously hosting us for not one but two nights as we enjoy a rest day in the city tomorrow. Our legs are extremely excited for this, as we’re hoping to do some sightseeing and stay away from our bikes for 24 hours before taking them up for another week until we get our next break in Columbus, Ohio. 

Cyclist’s Corner

Today’s Rider: Olivia Ross

How are you feeling today?

I feel good. I feel tired. I’ve been awake for a while now…so, I think I’m ready to watch an episode of Ted Lasso and be at peace. That’s how I’m feeling.

What make and model of bicycle are you riding?

Good question! It’s a Giant Avail 2013. Her name is Sally.

Before joining Illini 4000, how much bike training had you done, and did you have any other athletic background that you feel prepared you for this ride?

Before I did [the ride] last summer, I was not very athletic, and I kind of joined this thinking that it would get me into it, and it did! It forced me to work out a little bit more, which was good. I enjoyed it so much that I ended up doing it again! So yeah, I think it’s been good, the running keeps me active. I guess I did dance. 

Is there anyone you’re doing this ride for, or any specific person you think of when you’re on the ride?

Last year I did the ride in honor of my grandparents, who died of cancer. That was really meaningful and really special, and I definitely felt them with me every single day. So I’m continuing to do that. But, I also want to do it for every single person that we met who was a survivor last year, that shared their story with us. It was really meaningful, and a lot of them I also think about every day too. 

Is there anything you want to say to the people who are cheering you on during this ride?

Thank you! I appreciate it. I feel like I’ve had a lot of teammates reach out to me from last summer, and cheer me on, which has meant a lot. It’s been keeping me going the last few days, just like knowing that they’re there to support me and look out for me has been really nice.

Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?

The team is great. Love the energy of this year, and it’s been so nice to not only feel welcomed by the team, but to know that you’re all so welcoming to each other is really nice to have.

(A reminder that any unfamiliar terms can be found in our handy I4K Dictionary)