Illini 4000

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Brian D'Souza


Hi, my name is Brian and I’m in my third year of a five year degree studying Geophysics and English. I’m acutely aware that this is a profoundly weird combination, but it allows me to get an education that is both enjoyable and sufficiently employable. I’m passionate about piano, running, flying, environmentalism, and the Green Bay Packers (from least to most important). I’ve wanted to bike across the country since I read “Shift” by Jennifer Bradbury in 7th grade, and I’m excited to do so in a way that makes a difference.


I’ve watched friends and family struggle with cancer throughout my life, which is unfortunately a decidedly universal experience. Everyone is impacted by cancer, both directly and indirectly, and being able to aid in the fight against the disease is a valuable opportunity. The thing that appeals to me the most about Illini 4000 is the Portraits Project, and the significance it can hold for survivors and advocates. It’s hard to feel productive when taking on as large an enemy as cancer, but documenting the experiences of those who are effected the most allows us to provide support on a personal level.