
Morgantown, WV!

Hello Family, Friends, and Supporters!We made it through day 2 in the mountains and Illini 4000 is still staying strong! It was a long day that started out with a 12 mile climb, but with only one day of mountains left the end seems near! It's unbelievable to think we will almost be in Ohio by tomorrow night, but are excited to head into the Midwest! Thanks so much to Suncrest Methodist Church for providing us with great food and a home for the night!- The Illini 4000

On to the Mountains!

Hello Everyone!Today the Illini 4000 got its first glimpse of mountains! After having to be shuttled into the stay over last night everyone was excited for what the day held. Although it was a long day, all the riders were able to feel the satisfaction of finishing the 75 miles, and got to see many amazing views along the way as well! We are now getting ready to rest up for tomorrow mornin. We were provided an amazing stay over with wonderful food to help us prepare for tomorrow, thanks so much Church of Brethren!!!We'll be back after climbing more mountains!-The Illini 4000

Being Careful

I’ve been told for most of my life to be careful.Be careful not to hurt your kne.Be careful not to cough without covering your mouth.Be careful not to walk to close behind a horse.Be careful to wear your helmet.Be careful to watch for cars.So when every single person I’ve met has told me to be careful, I haven’t been worried. I’ve always been a careful person, so I tend to heed warnings, but I haven’t been concerned at all. Everyone tells me to be careful, I’m careful, it’s always been okay.Before talking about today, I want to talk about yesterday a little bit. It was gorgeous. We biked out of DC, and I marveled at the monuments, and was stunned to pieces by Arlington, including not refraining from experiencing my first round of silent bike tears. We broke off into smaller groups from the original accidental super group, and Amanda, Lauren, and I enjoyed a really great ride through the beautiful W&OD trail in Virginia, where we met some pretty amazing people who had done other cancer based rides, as well as meeting one man from Champaign! It was simply beautiful. However, we hit Trail’s End bike shop (appropriately named, as it was at the end of the trail), and everything went downhill from there. Unfortunately it wasn’t the fun kind of downhill that cyclists enjoy, it was the metaphorical kind that just sucks. Somehow we ended up on the scariest road I’ve EVER ridden on, all incredibly frustrated, and begging for Jaime to manage to find us, which, as the AMAZING ride leader she is, she managed to do, saving all of us from the torrential downpours and from the absolute hell of VA-7.If this was last night, I would describe it as I4Kaos. It was insane. Completely insane. However, I can’t express how proud of my team I am—everyone kept their heads up and stayed positive, even knowing that the Appalachians were coming!However, now, I can’t describe it as anything less than blessed. Even with the awful roads, the torrential rain, and all the interesting places we found shelter in (in my particular case, the awning of an abandoned motel), everyone made it to the stayover completely safe, including minimal bike issues (Alex Kulyk, you are my savior).Today started out completely beautiful. It was sunny, slightly chilly, and promised a challenging but cheery day through the mountains. I was really happy to be pedaling through the Appalachians, which were amazingly beautiful, and far greener than I ever thought it would be. After a morning filled with bike stacks to set my camera on and set up the timer, we were really enjoying rolling through the mountains, feeling super accomplished!After awhile, Ashley had some serious issues with her rear wheel, which was pretty disconcerting, but she thought it would be fine. About 40 miles in, I don’t know what happened, but I started pedaling, and immediately screamed out in pain because my left knee (which happens to be the bad one) hurt so much I could barely move, none the less pedal up a mountain. Ashley and I sat on the side of the road, both still smiling, but both wondering why today was so determined to go wrong. Bradford came to get us, so he could fix her bike and put me in the van. I was originally really upset to be stuck in the van—I just wanted to push my way through the mountains! Later on, however, I realized how incredibly blessed we are.For example, one group today rode away from the lunch stop before realizing that one of the riders had forgotten her helmet, so two of the riders took off back up the hill to get it for her. On their way back down, they saw a number of ambulances go flying by. When they rode on, they found a huge car accident. In said accident, the team of riders thinks that someone may have passed away. Had the team been just slightly later, goodness only knows what may have happened. That fact alone is incredibly sobering as to how today could’ve gone, and how we didn’t have it nearly as bad as we thought we did.Another rider broke a derailleur hanger and crashed pretty hard, but  came out of the crash with only minor scratches and some slight bruising. One more rider got in the van with me due to her knee pain, and all 3 of us were pretty down on our bad luck for the day, but now I can’t help be wonder what things may have happened to us  had we not been stuck in the van.Suddenly, returning to the stayover, everyone’s warning of be careful made more sense. The team was definitely blessed today, managing to come out of everything with only some low morale, slight scratching, a few aching knees, and a couple of broken bikes.So, my lesson for today was definitely be careful, but more importantly, be grateful and glad for the small things. 

Appalachians, Ahoy

So today was our first in the Appalachian Mountains and it was amazing; it was challenging, fast and most of all; beautiful.  Every view from the top of a new mountain was exponentially worth every pedal that went towards getting there.  I would be lying if I said that prior to today, I wasn’t a little apprehensive about riding in the Appalachians but all of those thoughts went away about 5 miles down US 50.  We have two more days in this range and then we move on to the Midwest.  I feel like we’ve been doing this trip for ages but it’s really only been a week.  It amazes me that this group of college students (and beyond) has set out to do this trip; literally making their way across America one pedal stroke at a time.Also, due to a lack of internet and a very long day yesterday, I have a few words to leave you with that should more or less sum up the day; The Secret Service, tornado watches,VA-7, and sitting in our new best friend, Serge’s garage.Signed,Watch tanned, eating honey roasted almonds, and forever thirsty.

When the unexpected happens

Today was day 7 of the ride and so far the days have been gone decently well.  We've gotten lost a few times, the weather was extremely hot a few days, and sometimes there were no showers.  But today, so far, has topped them all.Within five minutes of leaving the stayover we had already gotten lost, 2 miles from out stayover we realized Liz left her camel back at the white house while taking a picture causing a national security threat, by noon we were only 8 miles into the cues but we had already ridden 27 miles (we went the exact opposite direction we were supposed to), and around what was supposed to be mile 23 but was really about mile 50 for our group, it started pouring rain and hailing on us with a tornado watch in the area.Then we got word that the last 25 miles or so of our day was on a dangerous road with no shoulder, hilly, twisting, and in the pouring rain posing a safety hazard.  So Jaime made the call to shuttle us in to the stayover (good call Jaime).  My group stopped at a bike shop for shelter and my front shifter had been acting funny for a few miles so I had them check it out.Right when we thought the day couldn't get much worse, I got news that my shifter was broken and I would need a total replacement for it.  It was supposed to be very expensive and no one had a 105 shifter in stock.  My bike shop at home offered to send me one that I could get under warranty by Wednesday.  This meant a week of no riding.  I would miss the Appalachian mountains and an entire week of the trip.  I felt cheated.  My brand new bike was not supposed to break out of no where and I would feel like somewhat of a failure if I didn't bike any of the Appalachians.  On the verge of tears I thought about why we were riding.I had just been given what seemed like some terrible news for my current situation, but putting that news relative to receiving the news about being diagnosed with cancer, or a loved one getting diagnosed with cancer suddenly seemed so insignificant and petty.  I immediately stopped feeling sorry for myself because my problem could be fixed even if it inconvenienced me for a little while, but cancer leaves no promises.  This is one reason why we ride.  Even though what we are doing seems almost impossible and crazy at times, it is nothing in comparison to the hardships cancer brings along.  Riding for the cause is what keeps us going through days like today that seem as if everything that could go wrong does.I also learned that the people you are with makes all the difference in the world.  The Trial Ends Bike Shop gave and installed an old shifter for me so that I could ride through the mountains with my team, and he even handled my warranty for my shifter so that by the time I get to Chicago it will be there waiting for me and my bike will be brand new again.  They were the kindest people and gave me hope again.  Shout out to my group today... Liz, Tricia, Kenny, Lola, and Shannon who kept so positive despite the knock downs and were so willing to help when I felt so hopeless.

A Day of Ups and Downs

After an eventful day in Washington DC, we hit the road again today! Off to Winchester, VA for our first encounters with the foothills of mountains, or so we thought.The day began with a nice and easy trail ride out of the DC area. About halfway through the ride, we began to realize that the only way into Winchester from the east was on a big ole highway! To complicate matters, a storm was imminent. Thanks to the kindness of strangers at Trail's End Bike Shop and the home of a man named Sergio, everyone stayed safe until our trusty ride leader came to the rescue! Our support van came to take us to a stayover, rather than having us bike on the highway. Though we didn't get to ride through the beautiful end of today's route, we did manage to keep everyone safe, and we're ready to really hit the mountains tomorrow.Thanks again for your support,The Illini 4000

Leaving DC

An event day at DC was wonderful. I feel like we got some rest that we needed after having five days of biking. It felt like it was over almost too soon. DC probably is my favorite big city so far. It was just right size, and had a lot of places that were interesting.I met up with my old friend who I have known since the first grade. We were babies back then, but it is amazing to see each other all grown up. We've spent good time together-- went to see things and had wonderful meals. I am glad I did that.Starting in seven hours we will hit some mountains and rougher landscape. I am nervous, but I know we will all pull this one off very well. I do not know if I am ready now, but maybe by tomorrow morning I will? :) Now it's time to go to bed, Good night world.

Crossing the Delaware

A hard, howling, tossing water scene.Strong tide was washing hero clean."How cold!" Weather stings as in anger.O Silent night shows war ace danger!

The cold waters swashing on in rage.Redcoats warn slow his hint engage.When star general's action wish'd "Go!"He saw his ragged continentals row.

Ah, he stands – sailor crew went going.And so this general watches rowing.He hastens – winter again grows cold.A wet crew gain Hessian stronghold.

George can't lose war with's hands in;He's astern – so go alight, crew, and win!

-David Shulman, 1936

Jaime Ruan, Sarah Bopp, Casey Fee and Young Han Crossing The Delaware

It was nothing like that. Jaime, Sarah, Casey, Young and I had a super fun day riding from Newark, Delaware to Philadelphia with no worry of war, waves, or coldness. Although we had a bit of warm rain earlier that morning, the clouds were long gone by the time of our crossing. Were were greeted by lovely signs declaring "share the road with bicycles" and many bike lanes leading us into the city of brotherly love. And that it was. Barely asking, the fine people of Philly donated us huge amounts of food to our team that is still sustaining us today (if you're every in Philly, definitely stop by the Reading Terminal Market and Jake's pizza on Broad St). We were also treated to a wonderful place to sleep by The Arch St. United Methodist Church --A beautiful cathedral in the center of Philidelphia's historic downtown. Contrary to its reputation on "It's always sunny in Philadelphia," Philly was actually an incredibly friendly, welcoming town to visit. I totally understand why Old George retreated back on that historic day.


Just the beginning...

It's hard to believe we've made it this far already. After six days, five states, and three portraits under our belts, I feel truly blessed to be apart of such an amazing organization.  It was during our very first day of riding last Friday when I came to understand how powerful an experience this trip will be. While biking through town after town that day, people stopped next to us at stop lights, working at our rest stops, or even just walking down the street wanted to know who we were and what we were doing. I couldn't believe the overwhelming response of gratitude we receive when we explained we were a group of college students dedicated to the fight against cancer. I realized then how important it is to so many people that we are doing this, and how big of an impact we can make. These past six days have been completely unreal and I can only imagine what's in store in the days to come.

Today's Rest, Tomorrow's Mountains

Today is day 6, and it is our very first rest day. After conquering some of the east coast for the past 5 days, we have arrived in Washington D.C. for a much needed rest day. What an amazing experience it has been thus far and there is still so much land to cover. My concept of time is just completely a blur, the days between getting off of the train in New York City to arriving at George Washington University last night have become a jumble of awesome memories.Every city we reach and all the people we encounter impress me more and more every day. When we were in Philadelphia, PA, we left the stay-over, walked maybe 2 blocks to get food donations and came back with 3 large pizzas, delicious fruit and veggies, 28 sandwiches and loaves of bread, and last but not least soup salad and bread sticks from Olive Garden! If that isn't a feast, I don't know what is. This trip is off to a great start and there's really nowhere to go from here but up. Literally, mountains here we come!

Washington, DC

Although the past five days have been difficult, we were very surprised that an event day had come so soon. However, it couldn’t have come soon enough; the day off felt great. People were on their own to enjoy themselves or get stuff done after our team meeting at 9:30 this morning. Sites were seen, clothes were cleaned and bikes were fixed today in the capital (and concerts were seen!).Everyone is jointly hoping that our leg soreness will cease by the morning as we face our first mountain tomorrow on our way to Winchester, Virginia.A special thanks to Chipotle for giving us 20 free burritos! Also, thanks for ice cream from Kenneth Lundgren (Amanda’s dad!) and the George Washington University Honors Program (special thanks to Paul for getting that for us!). Finally, thanks again to the GW Multicultural Student Services Center for graciously hosting us for the last 2 nights, as well as to Mike Tapscott, the center's director, and to Tim Miller, Associate Dean of Students for helping coordinate our stay. Stay posted tomorrow, and we will give you all the gritty details from our first true climb of the summer.Much love,Illini 4000

Life on the road

So a lot has happened since our journey started on May 23.  Since I've never really been to the East Coast, it's been an exciting adventure so far.  I was able to visit NYC for the first time, see the Statue of Liberty, the 9/11 memorial, attend an event on a NYC Skyrise rooftop, and ride my bike (hidalgo) out of Central Park.  It's been incredible so far visiting New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Deleware, Maryland, and Washington D.C.  I especially remember our stay over in New Brunswick, New Jersey where the Thakkar's (parents of a previous rider) graciously welcomed us into their home and gave us inspiring words that I've kept with me on the ride.  Mr. Thakkar told us that  it might be hard at times, but it should be easy for us to keep going because we all know we're doing this for the right reason.  He said that determined people are able to put how they physically feel behind them and give the most and that's what separates the determined from the weak.After moving through  New Jersey and Delaware we entered Maryland.  The start of the day was really awesome I had no idea how beautiful the state really is.  After taking some photo opportunities at the welcome signs, we started heading deeper and deeper into the grunt of some really steep, really long hills.  It certainly was the toughest day thus far.  I have to thank my Aunt Kathy Jo, Coach Denton, and Julianne's sister Katie (our ride dedication that day) for getting me through one really challenging afternoon.  But even with all the challenges this ride day presented us with, it's still so rewarding. Arriving at your destination 80 miles later makes everything worth it, especially when you get to visit the Baltimore Hope Lodge and talk with cancer patients about some of their struggles and triumphs.  Life's full of them, and I guess that's why they call it life.It's so amazing learning about different peoples' outlooks and I think that's one of my favorite parts our the trip.  At the Hope Lodge, I was able to help conduct a portrait and learn about how cancer impacts family life, jobs, financial security, and completely interrupts normalcy.  Despite all of these things, the people we interviewed agreed that it was something put in their lives for a reason and they'll stay positive forever.  It was really neat to see the way they joked around, laughed, and remained grateful for everything they had.  I'm learning about the importance of optimism.  Today during my spare time I got to talk with some of my family and friends from home and just hearing their voices puts me in a great mood! I'm excited to see how these next few challenging days progress!

Train Time

Today is day six. I no longer keep track of the date or day of the week. In this i4k world, we are in a time warp. It seems like weeks have passed since we left Chicago, but that wasn't all too long ago. While on 22 hour train ride we started losing track of time, and it has become completely nonexistent since then.That train to NYC helped us become more comfortable being around each other, and by day six we have molded into a team. We are living together, skipping showers, rocking excessive tan lines, waking up at 5:45am everyday, and spending every minute together. Every day I have said it has been the best day so far. This is the perfect way to spend my summer.So far our rides have not been too bad. We have had some hills, but mostly shorter days under 70 miles, the stuff we have trained for. We only had one day over 75 miles which was our first day hitting real hills. These are the type of hills that Illinois riding cannot prepare you for.  Although expected, that day was still pretty tough. One climb after another, averaging about 95, gusting headwinds, and we had to be very attentive to the traffic on the busy and hilly roads. Those are the days when connecting to the cause stays in your head all day, it is what keeps us going.We were given the opportunity to eat dinner at the Baltimore Hope Lodge that evening and conduct portraits with some of the patients. That was scheduled in the mid afternoon, which meant we had to book it through these mountains. That is so much tougher than I expected it to be. Lucky for me, I rode with some very positive people that day. It was Tory yelling, "You got it girl!", Jaime with her victorious yells at the top of each, and thinking of Tricia saying, "eat hills, eat hills" under her breath that got me through that day. We ultimately had the same goal, to make it to the Hope Lodge on time, and that is what pushed us to push each other. That is why we couldn't allow ourselves to take long rest stops, although we really would have liked to. It was such a tough day, but we got back in time. We then got to interact with the cancer patients and caregivers, and hear about their days. We pushed ourselves and each other so we could hear their stories, and after talking with them it made every climb seem worth it.After we had faced the day, eaten dinner, conducted portraits, and unrolled our sleeping pads a previous cross country cyclist came and spoke with us. It was late and we were tired and dirty, but the conversation was well worth the lack of sleep. He asked each person to talk about why they joined i4k and what it means to them. After hearing these stories, about family members and friends, the lack of research funding, and the overall want to support the cause, it helped me remember what i4k stands for. We are not just a group of cross country cyclists, we are much more than that. We are college kids with a goal to stop the suffering that cancer causes. We are taking these portraits to spread hope across the country, and the ride our way of doing so. By raising this money and spreading these stories nationwide, as are accomplishing our goal.Summer 2012 has been the best yet. I love the people I am spending it with and I am so happy that I get the opportunity to spend the rest of the summer with them. We have made so many great memories together, have way too many bad jokes, and of course have already formed i4quotes. These are the most positive people I have ever surrounded myself with. Everyone is there for each other, and it has been awesome to see us become a team that can push each other, live together, and still have the time of our lives. Soon I will be riding through Illinois again. Before long we will be out west, and San Fran is going to come way too soon. I cannot wait to continue this venture tomorrow but I really hope we stay on train time for the rest of the summer, and make each minute last.

The moments

It has been more than a half year being a I4ker. I already miss people I have met through the organization, people who told me their sincere stories. There was this lady who talked to me and one of team members while we were fundraising on green street. We were selling chocolate chip cookies and yelling at strangers to buy it for cancer research fundraising and she came to us. She asked us what this was for and we told her we told her what we do. At that moment, she turned into a person who I could remember forever from just a stranger. She told us that there was a little boy played around all the time in her neighborhood with the best smile in the world. According to her, he doesn't have any hair because of the chemotherapy but he was the happiest kid every time she saw. She  was not related to him at all and did not even know the name, when she was talking to us she was almost crying and so did we. She said that he was the reason why stopped at us and buying cookies.Like her, I could meet so many good people during the rides last week. On the street while we were stopping at stop sign, there were this amazing people who were willing to tell their stories. I am so looking forward to seeing more and more people along the ride.

The Ones You're With

For most of my life my parents have strived for me to be "cultured." Many a trip were taken to Chicago's cultural institutions. One of the most common activities was a trip to see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. In their programs, they always feature 3 or 4 musicians with a list of short answers to interview questions. One of the questions is invariably along the lines of "What do you like most about playing with the CSO?" and the answer is invariably along the lines of "I love being able to make music with such talented and passionate people."Two nights ago in Baltimore, we got to meet Rafi, a two-time rider for the 4K for Cancer, a group formerly of Johns Hopkins University that is now independent that I4K has taken after. After some standard cycling advice, Rafi asked us all to share a little about ourselves: our name, an interesting fact, and what motivated us to sign up for the Illini 4000. For as much time as we've spent with each other, I had not ever really heard anyone's story for how they became involved. The answers blew me away.Many riders shared how a close family member, such as a mother, a grandfather, or a sister, had passed away from cancer. Many shared the current struggle of a loved one fighting the disease. Each person was touched by cancer in a very personal way, and hearing each person's story unraveled them to me in different ways. My perception of each person's context in the organization was so much more meaningful: we were all here to fight.As we geared up the next morning to ride, I was reminded of those CSO Q&A's. I am awestruck at the dedication of my fellow riders and their passion for everything that the Illini 4000 stands for. I couldn't help but to feel so lucky and so proud that I am a part of a group of such amazing, motivated, and passionate people that are fighting the good fight. Our work is at least as prestigious as any CSO musician's. We are here because we want to end the suffering that cancer causes; we are here to fight.

I4K Life

So we made it to DC! So far we have seen numerous states that I have never been to like New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Washington DC. The trip has been amazing and the riders have become close friends so quickly. Getting to meet locals from each town has been a highlight of the trip because each community is so unique. While the ride has definitely been tough at times my team members have remained supportive and have made each ride much easier. I look forward to continuing my journey with the Illini 4000 and continuing to hear each community's story along the way.

And the Adventure Begins!

New York to D.C. in five days. I can't believe this just happened! I have to say that none of the training I did back in Illinois prepared me for the hills of Maryland but as we continue our ride, I appreciate the beauty of this country more and more.  (I *almost* feel ready for the mountians!!) But more than just the feeling of relief and accomplishment that comes with reaching the top of a large hill, I think the most rewarding interaction I've had is with the random passerby. I've encountered people at gas station, in parks, walking down streets...all very different people from varying walks of life and one thing they have in common is enthusiasm towards I4Ks fundamental mission, the fight against cancer. I met a man on the coast of New Jersey as I was about to dip my back wheel into the Atlantic ocean. He saw my jersey and approached me with a friend's survival story. It really renewed the cause behind my trip this summer and I can't wait to see how the rest unravels!

Five Days Down

It is day six of our 74 day trekk across the United States, and we are all enjoying a much needed day of rest after our first five days of cycling. We've made it from the Big Apple to our nation's capital, and it's been an interesting trip so far. It's been such a wonderful experience riding through areas of the country that I probably would never have gone through otherwise. We've met some amazing individuals who have reached out to in a variety of ways. It's amazing how generous and appreciative people are when they find out about our cause. The ride has been great also, we haven't hit too many hills yet but we are preparing to start heading into the mountains in the upcoming week. It will definitely be a challenge but I'm greatly looking forwar to it!

"People helping People"

So we have been on this trip for 6 days now. And I must say I am absolutely blown away by the generosity displayed by the different hosts we have had. They have opened their doors to us and gone above and beyond all of my expectations. It reminded me of a portrait I worked on (see coming soon!) of a woman named Pat McQuain. Her story was amazing and as she talked about how her and her family recently gave away all of their yard sale goods to a family in need she said a quote that really stuck with me. "People helping people," three words that express everything about this trip. The people who have helped us reach this point, the people we are on this trip to help, and the people who have helped us along the way so far. It has been amazing how people have come together around this organization against a single common cause.


Hello, anybody that may end up actually reading this (in other words my mom). This will be my first update to this here page and boy I have some news to share. I'm writing from Washington DC in the GW University Multicultural Student Services Center. It is a great place, and they are hosting us very well. The trip so far has been fantastic. In the last couple of days we have hit some pretty tough hills that have been much more challenging than anything we have seen in the past and during our training rides. It has been hard work, but I know it will be worth it.It has been very great to get to know the other members of the team well and I know we will all become much better friends as the summer goes on. In the past few days, I have become much more connected to the cause and have been getting very excited about the portraits project. I was lucky to be able to be a part of a portrait interview at the Baltimore hope lodge. As the great as the ride itself is, the interviews we are conducting to get a vision of how cancer impacts people across the nation.I am very excited to hit the mountains tomorrow, and hope the ride will only continue to get better.See y'all latta