Illini 4000

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Rapid City and the 50th Portrait!

We had a free day in Rapid City today! Since we did not have to ride, we slept in until 10. We would like to thank the church and community for providing us with such a delicious breakfast this morning!Having no obligations today, many of us went out to explore the city, buy what we need for the following days, and interact with the community. During this time we conducted an interview with Colista Lich at a gift shop that was a two time cancer survivor. Her story was very inspiring as she explained that the cancer taught her to live life to the fullest and that life is all about the path you take and the mistakes you make.Another group of us met a woman at the Alex Johnson Mercantile gift shop that was also a two time cancer survivor. She had breast and colon cancer, followed by a brain tumor. She also had a positive attitude and was very amazed and grateful for our dedication to the cause.Interactions like these are very valuable to us as they really make our ride and our cause more personal. As the ride goes on, we have more and more specific people to think about and to ride for when the heat or hills get particularly exhausting. Thank you to everyone that has been sharing their story and inspiring us this summer! Today's portrait of Colista marked the 2012 team's 50th portrait!! We can't give enough thanks to the people who've been so willing to share their stories with us. It makes a huge difference to the team. Thanks for everything!The Illini 4000