A Day of I4K

This past Saturday was a very concentrated dose of I4k, a synopsis of what is to come. We started the day with a 37 mile bike ride south to Lake Homer. It was alumni weekend, and there were basically as many alumni at the ride as there were current riders. Their love for this cause and each other was palpable. We, the newbs are still getting our feet wet, but we had a chance to see so many past riders show how much I4K means to them. This 37 mile ride was the longest of my short biking career. The first half of the ride was a breeze (pun intended), the wind pushing us faster from behind. Then came the hard part. Champaign hills, an oxymoran I know, and then riding back into the wind.  Apprently these headwinds were pretty comparable to tough winds on the trip, except instead of facing them for 18 miles, we woud have them for 80 miles on some days...The next part of that very I4K day came the Portraits Event/Documentary Screening. The 40 min. documentary was awesome! Zach did a great job. By the end of the movie I just wanted to be in NYC, starting our trip. The next part of the evening was more powerful. The portraits on display really put what we were doing in perspective. The stories of the cancer fighters, relatives, and friends showed how personal and devastating this disease is. So much pain and heartbreak. Connor said it best after the screening of the movie, he said how excited and motivated he was to be apart of the Illini 4000. I am proud to be apart of this cause; fighting for those battling Cancer on a daily basis, one mile at a time.

First Training Ride

We had our first training ride last Saturday (4/2), and it was amazing. We all met at Allen Hall and it was such a sight to see so many alumni and 11' riders geared up for the upcoming ride. Everyone smiling, everyone talking and laughing, everyone working together for the same cause--truly inspirational. We went over routine safety material and headed out in groups.It was nice to finally get a taste of what I will be experiencing this summer. A glimpse of what I had been working for this whole year. There was so much positive energy in the air, and it put me in such a feel-good mood.After some I4k fun at Homer Lake, the real challenge set in. Wind. The winds were against us that day. Despite my years of cycling experience, these winds knocked me back to novice. What was the point in cycling in conditions there were clearly, and obviously against me? Why on earth had I decided to do this? I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with the emotions of self-pity, low self esteem, and the desire to quit altogether. My sanity hurt more than my body. If I was alone, I would probably have gotten off my bike and called a cab. But because I was with a group, because these people were fighting the same struggle I was (and probably complaining a lot less then I was), I decided that giving up was unacceptable. If I let this defeat me, who knows what glorious moments I will miss because I didn't have enough strength to push through. I thought about the mission of I4K, and why these people do what they do. And I realized that we do what we do because we strive for betterment. I signed up for this knowing that the whole point in participating in I4k was to put the well being of others before my own. And while I struggle for 36.5 miles, others are facing harder challenges almost everyday. This was just not the time nor the place to be selfish.I know this all sounds very dramatic, but the hardest moments of my life have produced the most epiphanic enlightenment. Completing this ride was definitely one of the most rewarding experiences I have had this semester, and I now kinda know what to expect this summer. Making it to the end, hearing the cheers of my group and of the other team mates, and seeing the alumni and board members that did this strenuous activity, not because they had to, but because they WANTED to, made it all worth it.Yep, this summer is pretty much, without a doubt, going to be really, awesomely amazing.Rachel Samaniego

Post Numero Dos!

 Why hello there! Blog number two and where to begin?!? The count down is now 51 days til take off. HOLY MOLY! Since my last update I have purchased a bike – the Trek Lexa SLX (it’s pretty lettme tell ya). On Wednesday I went on my first actual ride on my bike which was SO EXCITING. Six other I4K’ers and I went 21 miles. I fell four times no worries I’m in one piece. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for one of my brand new bike shoes. On my fourth fall the clip broke apart from the shoe! So tomorrow I have to take the shoes to Champaign Cycle and see what they can do. Saturday the whole team is going on a 37 mile ride!What was that? Oh you want details about my first ride? Well, I bundled up a lot and found that underarmor is amazing! I mean, I guess I knew this before but it’s truly breathable and keeps your body at just the right temp. I found that my hands were a tad bothersome but this can be fixed with a minor bike-handlebar adjustment. Also my (as I referred to it on the ride) lady-part was in some pain but it’s to be expected I guess and I will get used to it is what I am told. My falls were not while I was in motion but when I was standing still. Sounds silly right? But you have no idea – clip in pedal/shoes are CRAZY! It takes me forever to clip in and clipping out is really hard to do while you are falling hahahaha. All falls were when I had one foot clipped in and one out standing on ground, I would lean to the other side – only slightly – and then BAM! I’m on the ground. So I got my first few bruises and cuts but I still LOVED the experience. I also managed to get a gnat stuck on my tooth so at least my sunglasses protected my eyes!On Saturday night after the ride it’s the event to showcase some portraits and the documentary “What People Do”! I’m so pumped for that and wanna mention that Gabrielle, Mary, and the Portraits Committee have really really worked hard so EVERYONE SHOULD DEF COME! It’s going to be an amazing time and plus don’t ya wanna see me in person to make sure I’m still standing after 37 MILES?!?! Ok well now I must run (not literally cuz it’s midnight thirty),Ellie

Family is cool. And so are friends. And same with strangers.

So although this is my first post and I would love to go into detail about everything I4K related, a project due at 8 a.m. tomorrow and a Chemistry exam Wednesday night will prevent me from doing so.  However, I would just like to state how absolutely cool it is when your family, your friends, and when total strangers are so overwhelmingly supportive with your endeavors, which I've seen firsthand through all of the donations I've received for this summer trek.  I feel so indebted to everyone helping make this possible for me, and hopefully they realize how much of an impact they're having on me and how grateful I am. So to all of the donators, in short: Thank you.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

My First Thoughts

After bringing home my new road bike this week, the reality of this whole experience has started to hit. I'm filled with a mix of excitement and nerves at the thought of what this summer has in store, and the only thing that seems to help ease my mind is to take my bike out for a nice long ride. Never before have I owned a road bike, and despite this fact, being on my new bike I could not feel more at home. While it's still a bit colder than I would have hoped this spring break, I have gotten the opportunity to ride around some of my favorite places in my hometown and the surrounding areas. Unfortunately over the past week, I found out that one of my friend’s parents has been diagnosed with lung cancer, and hearing this news has helped reassure me that I am doing the right thing. It feels wonderful to be a part of an organization like the Illini 4000 for Cancer, which is truly making a difference in other’s lives. I am ready to take my new cycling gear and put it to action as I join the rest of the team back in Chambana shortly after break. It will be exciting to experience our first ride together as a team and I will surely be blogging about the experience next week.

my first post

I would like to thank all my family, family friends, and the rotary clubs of Matteson and Homewood for all their support and generous donations. I would also like to thank my parents for all the money they have spent on my bike and equipment for this summer.It has been really great getting to know everyone on the team at team trainings and other events. Jan, Manny, and I decided to ride bikes home from Champaign for spring break. I had never rode more than 30 miles on a bike so I was surprised I actually made it 83 miles. This made me a little less nervous for the summer. When we weren’t going east into the wind it was a fun ride and great bonding experience. I'm excited for team training rides to begin when we get back from spring break. I can’t wait to spend my whole summer with this amazing team. Only 2 more months until we are on our way across the country!This week my friend Lisa is going through treatments please keep her in your prayers.

First Post!

Hello all!So I'll be honest, it's 1:30 am and I decided to post to procrastinate studying for my test that I have at 10am. I just wanted to get my inaugural post out of the way. So here it is.I first off want to thank everyone who has helped us along the way. Even just looking at our awesome website gives us more strength to continue fighting for the cure. I also want to thank all of the gracious people who donated to me. Without your help this ride and this organization wouldn't exist.My fundraising efforts have garnered better results than I could have imagined. I went about my fundraising by writing a personal letter attached with a Info and Donation form and an envelope with a stamp addressed to the Illini 4000. I sent out 106 of these letters to family, friends, old teachers, etc., and the response was amazing! You guys rock!I am so thoroughly excited about this trip. I know that I will look back on my life someday and say that this cross country trek will definitely be one of the highlights. I also cannot wait to spend the summer with these awesome people. It is great and very powerful to see people of so many different backgrounds come together for a common goal.I also am ecstatic to get back into shape! And with spring break looming, it is the absolute perfect time. I've been trying to work out 6-7 days a week but with two jobs, 17 hours of class, and a social life to balance I haven't always gone. Regardless, I feel like I'm in the equivalent shape I was when I played football and ran track in high school which is just a great feeling. I have just purchased my bike and all I need to do is go get it when I go home for break and I'll be ready to ride! It is a Cannondale Synapse Alloy 5. Here is a link here (I'm getting the black one): http://www.cannondale.com/bikes/road/performance-road/synapse/2011-synapse-alloy-5-105-16587 Needless to say, she and I will become pretty good friends after this is all said and done. I haven't named her yet but I'm open to suggestions.Well I should probably be getting back to the books. I really hope this finds you well and that there are people out there who don't like cancer and are willing to do something about it!-Sean

Thank You, OLMC School!

The Illini 4000 Board of Directors would like to thank Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School (OLMC) for supporting our mission during Catholic Schools Week. During the week, OLMC chose to support cancer research and awareness and fundraise on our behalf.On January 30, three Illini 4000 representatives - Conor Canaday, Mary Russell and Kelsey Lyles - travelled to Southern Illinois to speak at OLMC during their kickoff assembly for Catholic Schools week.The fundraiser was held in honor of those in the OLMC community who have been affected by cancer. This includes 2011 rider Kelsey Lyles’s uncle, Joe Maeser, who is currently fighting colon cancer.OLMC raised over $3000 for the Illini 4000. We thank you for all your support!

First Post!

Hello Hello,So this is my first blog and I hope to really good about keeping this thing. Currently, it is 88 days til take off and boy is time flying by! This semester is going by so fast and I feel like if I blink I’ll be on the train to NYC. Yet in that blink I still have to buy a bike (I’ve narrowed it down to two), graduate (yanno no biggie), and fundraise a little more. I would like to take a quick second to thank everyone who has donated to this cause from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much it means to me and the future of cancer (or should I say lack of it?).Right now it’s midterms so my brain is focused on my classes. It’s hard for me to get to the gym everyday but I am doing my best! I have started to follow the I4K manual about training which means 5-10 mile bike rides keeping my RPM in between 60-70 (yup I know “bike talk” as my mom likes to call it). I also lift to build muscles in my legs and arms. I tell my roommates that my arms are becoming too illegal even for a gun show hahahha.The team is amazing. I’ve met some really cool people and I cannot tell you how excited we all are for this summer. We just got fitted for our jerseys which took me and Linsey forever! I ended up ordering a men’s extra-small – don’t even get me started, just trust me it’ll fit. I also got to transcribe a little bit of a portrait! There is going to be an event to showcase some portraits and the documentary “What People Do” on April 2nd.Well that’s all for now folks – school work is calling my name,Ellie