The OGs in NYC?!
Today was crazy! I feel like all days are going to be that way but I still want to say that to all of you. I woke up at 945 - probably the latest I will sleep in all summer and it was not even planned. Things got a little goofed up about wake up but I learned a valuable lesson early on so that's the bright side. Lesson: wake yourself up. Then we had brunch provided by the church which was REALLY nice of them. I was able to talk to four community members about who and what we are. After that we had two hours to roam around so we took advantage: central park met i4k! Back to the stay over for a team meeting in which my chore buddy, Connor, showed up AND Christine! We switched our stuff to the new stay over (a hostel with a shower and a bed!) and then left for an other guys show! The comedy bar was rented out to the NY u of I alumni club so it was like a double whammy. I accidentally broke a glass with a full drink in it when telling an alum about camp Kesem. No worried everyone was okay!From there the party really began! A group of ten of us went out in hopes of finding good cheap food with the bulls game on. Cheap is hard to find in NYC so I took the safe route and bought two dollar slice pieces of pizza. My third and fourth slices of the day by the way! How can I say no to cheap good pizza?!? We ended up finally finding an Irish pub wig karaoke -- need I say more?!?... Ok I'll say a little more: I made us perform. And a man might have been in love with lauren and sung her a slow jam (this was not Ron by the by). So: let's hear it for chicago in the house cuz we're driving our bikes annnddd "get on your bikes and ride"!Oh and -- 60 miles. Downhill. Tailwind. All daaa wayyyyyLove,El