Happy Birthday Mom!! I love you North Central Cyclery.
Yesterday I went to Champaign to pick up all of the things the team needs for the ride this summer. With the help of Conor, Eamon, and MairBear (Mary), this task was finished in a couple of hours and went really smoothly. I'm very grateful that you guys came to help, so thank you! After we were finished, I went to say goodbye to my sister, Anna, who works full-time at the U of I's study abroad office. She has been filled with anxiety about my departure. My dear sister, we will see each other soon once the team rides through Champaign!Yesterday was also my mom's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!Instead of having a day just for her, my mom was a real trooper and did some late-night official I4K errands with me once I returned from Champaign. During this time, I once again realized how much my mom supports me in every single thing I do. When I first decided I wanted to be a part of I4K, I knew she would approve because of the cause (both of her parents passed away from cancer), but I wasn't sure what she would think about the cross-country bike ride. Being the amazing mother she is, her response was something along the lines of, "I think you should definitely do it." She didn't tell me that riding your bike across the country is impossible, that I'm crazy for wanting to do something like this, or insanely worry about my safety. She believed in me from the start and I'm pretty sure she knew that I would want to do the ride again before I even knew. I am so fortunate to have my mom in my life and I will forever be grateful for the values and strength she has instilled in me. Thanks for being my number one mom, Kathy! ;) You know I love you.Today I went to North Central Cyclery to pick up my new Surly Cross Check. I have been smiling all day because I am so excited to sit on my Brooks and ride this bike across the USA with an amazing group of people. Check out their homepage to see pictures of it: http://www.northcentralcyclery.com/. A special thank you to Tobie at NCC, he's an amazing guy with a ton of bike knowledge. I have never had such a warm welcoming at a bike shop or experience such high-quality service. Post cards are coming your way.We are taking off on Friday for NYC! I feel very calm right now, which is freaking me out since I should probably feel more stressed and anxious?P.S. Just saw on the Facebook that Brad Topol is going to be Chicago's newest bike lane engineer. That is SO cool. Congrats!