First night in NYC!!
Hey hey! The benefits of having an iPhone let me tell ya I can write a post and post it when I have wifi woot woot! So the train ride was good. We all shared food, played catch phrase, and the pranks started. I must give props to Katie who started the stickering as I like to call it: put a sticker on someone without them noticing, more points if the person is Rufio or if it's directly on someones head (aka baldy aka Sean). Once the train arrived we had to wait for our bikes (cue mushu the camp Kesem counselor full of games). Once we got our bikes we had to rebuild them - I learned how to install and take off pedals (literally a pro now) and how to fix my stem/handlebars. The true challenge then arrived: the mile walk. Normally walking a mile sounds okay, could be fun, might be exercise but this mile was THE MILE WALK to me. Why? I had to wheel my bike, shlep my food bag (image a jewel brown paper bag full of food/stuff), my sleeping bag, my sleeping pad, and oh yes my 50-75 pound backpack (not exaggerating). This mile started to hurt after my shock wore off. Being in NYC was just so exciting and unbelievable that I had to have kels pinch me! Howevs the back and shoulders started to protest hardcore and a mile can seem like forever on feet. Sean aka baldy took my food bag and that eased it and jan took my bag when we were across the street so I could carry my bike down the steps. All I could think was "if only my brother Jono and my dad saw me now!" At the stay over we met as a team, found out chores, and chore buddy (mines Connor Yanz!!!) then were dismissed. We went to a fountain took some pics and headed to times square. On the way we picked up some famous NY style pizza sooooo good. Times square was a mob scene like always but still fun to be at. Now we're back at the stay over for bed time. Tomorrow I plan to get up maybe go to central park and then get back for a community brunch. But I don't want to give out any more spoilers so stay tuned!Sincerely,El