Chicago Ride-Along and Picnic
The Illini 4000 will be hosting a charity Ride-Along the morning of June 11th and anyone who is able is invited to join the team in an easy 15 mile bike ride along the Chicago Lakefront and through the North Side. All of the funds raised through the event will go to support the Illini 4000 and the cancer charities that it donates to. Following the ride we will be having a cookout at Caldwell Woods where you will have an extra opportunity to socialize with the team and listen to their experiences as they bicycle across the country. If you plan on attending we require that you wear a helmet or you will not be allowed to ride with the team. Please follow the link below for extra information on the ride. If you have any questions regarding the ride or would like to volunteer at the cookout please contact event manager Brad Topol at illini4000alumni@gmail.comImportant Information for Participants/Transportation OptionsEvent Details:What: Illini 4000 Ride AlongTime: 9:30 am, June 11th, 2011Start: Cancer Survivors Garden, Millennium Park, ChicagoFinish: Caldwell Woods, Grove 3 (Unsheltered Picnic Area) - Milwaukee Ave & Devon Ave, ChicagoCost: $15 to rideLunch: $10 donation is appreciated if you plan on eating with the teamRoute: Illini 4000 Ride Along RouteCues: Illini 4000 Ride Along CuesPlease stay tuned for our registration form for the ride and picnic. Pre-registration is highly encouraged, but not required.