Departure Day… T-minus four hours
WOW!... did you get that?... WOW! I have four hours until I am at union station with my team. HOLY DOG CHASING AFTER OUR BIKES! I legit cannot believe this day is finally here!!! The last three days have been jam packed full of packing and shopping and let me tell you – it kind of adds up. However, I will be a fashionista on this trip. I want to say a deep heart-felt thank you to my parents, Link, Arie, Emily, and Aunty Deb because they have all contributed to my biking apparel. While I am on the thank yous – a big, big, biggggg one goes out to Shelby Paige Blitz, without whom I would not be packed for this trip. Shelbs has helped me pack for any big trip/travel/journey and has the mental capabilities of dealing with my lack of skills when it comes to packing.Packing… yaaaaaaaa sooooooooo. I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to pack it all in again and my book for the train is in there somewhere I think in the middle. Oye vey! However, not joking – 1/3 of my bag is food! The lesson I learned during packing was that stuff sacks are miracle workers: if you need to pack a ton, get one! They somehow perform magic and condense your clothes to 1/3 of the size? (Lots of 1/3s going on here hahaha.)Since my last blog a lot as happened (as per usual right? Life never stands still and I feel like mine is in speed play.) I graduated… weird to say because I am still in denial; the experience itself was wonderful and I have no serious complaints besides why did it have to happen?!!? Saying see you later to my roommates was what got the tears streaming like a river. Living with the three of them was the best living situation I have been in ever. Rachel, Carly, Sarah I will miss you more than you will ever know. I also moved back home (for three days of packing hehe) and was able to see some friends and family. In the next four hours I still got to go to the bike shop and have my bike looked at, buy snacks/meals for the train ride, check emails, do some work for Camp Kesem, eat lunch, and go to the bank. Nothing like the last minute right?!?I’m so excited to see everyone and just see that everyone is in the same boat as me (can I start saying same bike? Can we make that a saying?). What was really nice was that last night I talked to a few of the ladies on the team and we’re all facing about the same emotions. This ride is not only a physical challenge but a great mental one as well. I think I’m ready to start tackling those mountains because guess what? I AM A STRONG CLIMBER, I LOVE TO CLIMB! (Those of you who read the article recommended by Pi know what I’m talking about.)So ladies and gentlemen: here we go.I4K 2011 Summer Ride: Bring it because I’m pumped! (maybe my tires need some air but not me!)See ya on the train, in New York, or sometime soon!~ Ellie