The best 2 mile ride, EVER!!!!!!!
So today was going to be a great ride. Got on my bike, met up with Maggie; we were going to do a 20-25 mile ride. It was going fine, even bumped into Pi along the way. I noticed my tires were low on air so I stopped to pump my tires about a mile and a half or two miles out. Pumped the back tire no problems. Attempted the front tire, wasn't working. Spent about 20 minutes until I realized I probably had a slow leak. Put in some new tube, filled up the air and it actually worked this time. As I was pulling off my pump from the gasket, the gasket broke. Along with it, went all the air I pumped and a chance to actually ride somewhere. Thus, I was stuck on the side of the road :(On the upside, it was the best 2 mile ride ever!!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't tired at all, after all, if I can do 2 miles what's 75? ;) Nevertheless, the fact that my pump adapter broke, allowed me to figure out how to change my pump so I can use it on a Presta gasket! I guess I no longer need that thing anyway! Probably should get some new tube though :/At least Maggie got to do a ride! I would have felt really bad if she wasted any more time with me. Anyway, since I have no tube and it's now dark, I'm gonna head to the gym instead! Talk to ya soon!