Preparation and Overcoming Fear
I finally have my bike on campus. It's an amazing feeling. Last week I went on the first training ride with the whole team. I was pretty nervous, but mostly excited. After all, I was the first person at Allen Hall, arriving at 8:25 am. We didn't leave until 10:15...haha. I loved riding. My thoughts flowed freely and my worries drifted away. Focusing on the person ahead of me and trying to remain aware of my surroundings (pothole!), I pushed ahead with my group. It was great when we got to ride two abreast and chit chat. On the way home I was leading against very strong headwinds. I saw this as preparation for the only harder conditions I will face this summer. Finishing the first training ride left me feeling accomplished and appreciative of past riders and terribly excited for the summer. 43 days are going to go by very quickly. Departing from New York is on my mind constantly. I can only imagine the adrenaline rush I will feel when I clip in for the first time of the summer.I am feeling so blessed to have this opportunity lately. I'd like to thank everyone for the support they have given me, family and friends alike. Thanks to my parents for coming out to the IMC event and of course for buying my bike and gear. (I'll pay you back when I'm making the big money later on! :P )There's no words to express how close this mission is to my heart. When I'm feeling tired out this summer, my Uncle Joe will come to mind and will keep me pressing onward. He has the greatest attitude in the world. He loves life and loves his family and loves his community and never fails to show it. I really hope to give back through doing this ride, for everything that I have been given in life. I feel like every day I find out that someone else I am connected to has cancer. My best friend's grandpa was just diagnosed with prostate cancer. Fortunately, they have caught it early and it is highly treatable. It's just sad. Cancer is like a plague. I don't think that I realized the true impact it has on a person and their family until recently. One day I hope that the Illini 4000 doesn't have to be about fighting cancer anymore. One day I hope that there's a cure, and we can move to fight a new battle.The Portraits Project exhibition was an amazing event. Good job to Mary and Gabrielle and everyone else who helped out with it. Watching the film was great too, I can't wait to meet such wonderful people. I also can't wait for all the life lessons I will learn this summer. And to continue to build the community that has already been built. And to become even closer friends with everyone on the 2011 team. We're already so close I feel. It's gonna be an amazing summer, I can tell.Training rides during the week have been eventful as well. Sean flew off his bike into a ditch, Gedion fell, Linsey Sean and I got lost and made up our own route (was that my fault?), Linsey got a flat (we were stuck trying to figure that out until miraculously Tracy showed up and helped us! then we called Jan to help us pump the new tube, thanks guys!!), and I think that's all the noteworthy things that happened haha.Well I'm off to sleep now since I have to be up in a little less than 7 hours. YAY, I'll really need to become a morning person. Good night and thanks for reading!