My Dear J.S. MEHS, Thank You for Aiding the Fight Against Cancer
About two weeks ago, before students of J.S. Morton East High School, in Cicero, left for spring vacations, a collection table stood just to the side of the cashier's office. There, students paid and received little slips of paper with a small hole punched-out at the top. The small, pink square had a picture of a cyclist and read something along the lines of this: "Help Alum Cristian Garcia Ride for Cancer."To my dear high school, there are no words to describe my gratitude. Thank you so much for your generosity and know that people across this nation will benefit from your contributions. I know for a fact that this out-of-uniform fundraiser, for some, was merely an opportunity to finally be able to present yourself at school without those retched khaki pants and white polo and, quite frankly, I do not blame you. Nevertheless, for the vast majority of students and staff who I am certain donated with a deep meaningful cause or personal fight--know you are not alone. Know you are never alone.Whether it be your parents, relatives, friends, or, simply acquaintances who suffer, know we--the riders of the illini4000--also have our reasons for participating in this journey and, we, also want a cure. Your nearly $1,000 donation has brought us one step closer in the right direction and, for that, we should all feel proud for this universal plan for cancer's demise.I wish the 2011 J.S. MEHS Seniors a happy graduation and I ask my brother for an apology.Because of this trip, I will not be able to attend your graduation. But, know that you're my brother, know that I love you, and know that I will, at the very least, be in Illinois and celebrating your mile-stone from a distance. I'm proud of you and I know that our sister school--UIC--will treat you well as you explore your many talents.Thank you Student Body President Fernando Silva and the MSGA. Thank you Princi-PAL Zarate and kind staff members. And, thank you all for believing in us--because of you, we ride.Sincerely,Cristian Enrique Garcia