Let's All Earn a Badge!
Monday’s meeting was absolutely thrilling! It felt like a mix between graduation and going to the military. The 2011 team received team jerseys via Matt and President Connor, who then said “good luck with all of your endeavors” and gladly shook our hands.The ceremony was jam-packed with information and gifts. The distribution of our thankfully leather-free backpacks, my sleeping bag and pad was a particularly important part. Rachel Samaniego kindly ordered my backpack and kindly threatened me to pay her back once it arrived:“I don’t mind sleeping with two sleeping bags,” she said—and I was sure she meant it.But the hardest part was hauling everything home. At first, I took refuge at Undergraduate Library (UGL) in order to escape the rain. You could imagine the looks I got from people. Their stairs said “This guy really wants to pull a comfortable all-nighter.”Fortunately, I didn’t have to. Instead, I ended up going home around 12a.m. But, the rain had not left—lucky me. I didn’t know what to do. I had to haul all of these things to the farthest dorm on campus without the help from a bus. I mean, there were plenty of buses but I was not going to wait. I never wait. What was a poor, impatient, defenseless, freshman to do?IMPROVISE OF COURSE!!The light bulb turned on. I released the sleeping pad from its plastic confines and used it cover my backpack. The sleeping bag went over my head and off I went down the south quad, strapped to two back packs, a sleeping bag and my laptop.No one took a picture. I’m sure it would have made many laugh. I mean, sure I was a bit miserable haling everything but when I got home I felt like king! I showed off my new jersey, mainly to myself, and went to sleep. I did not take if off. I was too proud. I had just finished a journey, a small one, but a journey nonetheless.With that said, I can’t wait to start the big one, the real one, the one across the country. By the end, we will all have earned our jerseys; of that I am sure. Of course they will be sweaty, perhaps even torn, and forever stained with grease; but, I feel these are necessary imperfections, badges, and, even, a must. I now have one a badge. I encourage everyone to get one too.“To Cristian E. Garcia, for best technique when surviving a storm—the improvisation badge.”