"Bring Baby Wipes and You'll Be Fine"
Yesterday we rode 50 miles, which left us all feeling a bit loopy on breaks. I think we all got a little taste of what the dynamics of our group is going to be this summer. And all got to know each other just a little bit more. We named it "Awkward intimacy." Nuff said.Pi was my group's ride leader and I was glad. He definitely taught me a lot about leading rides. I learned not to slow down on overpasses because it makes it difficult for the people in the back to maintain balance, thus making their experience scarier as cars are whipping by less than a foot away. I think I was just hesitant and a little scared so I would slow down. I improved as time went on though (right, Pi?). I love leading. It is a challenge but it takes me out of my comfort zone which I know is essentially making me tougher. I told my team that I'm kind of a wuss and that I hope this ride makes me tough :) They got a good laugh out of that, I didn't realize I was being funny.Today I did about 24 miles with Linsey, Jan, and his girlfriend Erica. The winds were very strong. Linsey and I definitely felt like we were going to be knocked over a few times. Overall I enjoyed the ride though. I'm looking forward to this Tuesday's ride. Linsey and I want to cover a lot of ground in preparation for our 60 mile ride this Saturday. I'm also pumped for 24 hours of cycling on Thursday! MORE LOOPINESS TO COME! And hopefully a ton of awareness for our cause is spread :)I'm definitely in love with Illini4000.