Wild Wisconsin
Just a quick update here from Fitchburg, WI. Even though it's already late (11:30pm used to be early for me!), I wanted to write a quick post because I'm pretty sure we won't have internet readily available tomorrow.It's hard to believe we're already in Wisconsin, but it's also exciting. All of the riding before Chicago seems to be focused on getting to Chicago and getting home. But now that we've departed from Illinois that means we are finally on our journey west and to our final destination. Even though these first days of Wisconsin have brought rain and dirt, the scenery here makes up for it. I think Wisconsin can be compared to Pennsylvania except for much smaller hills here. And now I'm wishing for those hot and sunny days we had out east. Being close to Madison, I stopped by a nice bike shop that I remembered from last year and brought some of the new riders along as well. It was really fun being in a new city and enjoying the clear skies in the evening. Of course the fantastic meal provided by the Russells' certainly helped our morale.More updates and Minnesota soon!