Ride into Minnesota
It wasn't an easy ride. The pastor of the church we were staying at rode with us in the morning, bringing us up a BIG hill to see the valley of the Mississippi river. The long hill-climb was definitely worth the view. I wish I had a working camera to capture that. Praise the Lord that my knees no longer hurt! But Shao Zhe had to ride in the van the rest of the way because her knees were hurting too much. Poor girl... I know how much she hates riding in the van. Hopefully two days of rest will help it get better.We had to fight some pretty strong headwinds almost the whole day. I was so tired I tried taking a nap after lunch at the gas station, but failed. I need to learn how to sleep like Nate; he can sleep ANYWHERE. He was sleeping on top of the ice machine! Kudos to that.After arriving at our stay-over, we had a tour of the ACS Hope Center, a place where cancer patients receiving treatment can stay. It was nice to be able to talk to some of the residents there and hear their stories. I got to do my first portrait too!