Ride Along
Ride Along Day:The night before the ride along my mom dropped Jeff and I off at the UIC dorms so we would have to get up super early the following morning. We woke up around 7 the next morning and packed our stuff, went outside, and said hello to the whole team. Around 9 we started riding over to the Bean and waited around to start the ride. My Mom flew in from San Antonio, Texas to see me and my brother for a few days. We decided she would go on the ride along with me and the team. She was riding on my older brother's old mountain bike that didn't work. We had a great ride along the Lake and saw a different side of Chicago. When we got to Roger Park I said goodbye to my Mom and headed to Highland Park. We were staying at Kyle's church. We got hungry so we went to Chipotle and the nice manager ended up giving us all free burritos! We spent the rest of the night talking to the awsome John Slesinger the founder of our organization and went to bed.