Ride-Along Day!
Today was the day of our anticipated ride-along day out of Chicago. After one of our few rest days, it was nice to hop back on the saddle with family and friends as we rode out to Deerfield, IL.It was certainly an interesting experience starting out as a huge pack of more than 40 people. We definitely had lots of fun interacting and chatting with families about our endeavors. Knowing that there are so many people supporting us, both in action (ride-along) and in spirit is what keeps us peddling. Going beyond merely riding our bikes across the country, we are truly touched by the tremendous support given to us in our fight against cancer. Let us once again express our most heartfelt gratitude to those of you out there who have not only helped us but also the lives of those we are helping. Thank you!We arrived at our stayover which Kyle, one of our riders, arranged for us. We were welcomed with a delicious I4K meal with fantastic desserts and excellent hospitality!