Rain, rain, go away. Fitchburg and Lake Geneva, WI
I got up early this morning to warn the team that there was going to be rain and that they could throw their rain jackets in the lost and found to pick up mid ride. After running around all morning and making sure the team got out at a reasonable time, I do not realize that I forgot to take out my rain jacket. Bad choice.This morning's mosher was very touching. Megan had each member of the team explain why they are doing the ride and a pledge to make the for the rest of the ride. The experience was breathtaking and emotional. It certainly brought us all together.These rides were very similar weatherwise and distancewise. These days also included a few hills, something that Illinois failed to offer. The team faced the hills with more confidence and composure than that of Pennsylvania.Rain on a bike in my opinion is the worst rain that one can face. I don't enjoy wearing a rain jacket in light rain because I would get more sweaty and sticky and would rather be a little wet in just arm warmers than uncomfortable. Lucky me, the rain brought its "A" game and succeeded in getting me soaked and freezing from head to toe. I never felt so relieve to arrive at a stayover to warm up. The rain made me forget the majority of the day's events.Lake Geneva brought us to the Topol summer home of Brad Topol , a former rider. The Topol's were extremely inviting and cooked us a fantastic dinner and provided us a wonderful breakfast. Oh... and showers. Little did I know that this would be my last shower for a while....