Look back at the last few weeks
I suppose it's about time that I make my first real blog post regarding this trip. We're now about three weeks into the trip and things have been going really well in terms of how well the team has been getting along. They have been very supportive of each other and have had some great ideas on how we can improve the ride and reach out to more people through the Portraits Project. While we haven't seen the full impact of these ideas yet, they show promise. Along the way, we also had the chance to sit down with a few people from the 4k For Cancer based out of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Being several years older than our organization, they were able to provide us with some insights on how to improve our own operations as well as confirmed that we were on the right track with many other aspects of how we operated.We've just finished our last full day in Wisconsin, riding from Reedsburg to La Crosse, which is situated on the Mississippi River. Tomorrow morning we cross over into Minnesota as we make our way to Rochester for our third rest day of the trip. I volunteered to drive today, so I can't say much of what actually happened on the ride today, however there were significant revisions made from last year's route and for the most part the route seems much nicer. For sure, today was an excellent day for a bike ride.Farewell for now,~Erik