Jackson, MN 06/21
I knew this day was going to be interesting when I started the morning with an attempt to inflate my tires, only for them to completely go flat. For breakfast, two tables were filled so I started a third one, instead of this third table being filled, tables four and five were, not on purpose but it was just a hilarious coincidence. Then I dropped my bagel on the floor. Taking off, it rained and rained. I had a headache. We then rode through an area that was completely destroyed by the recent tornados. I've decided that there are so many things that I hear about on tv... such as the meat packing industry or destruction of areas from natural disasters. Hearing about these things is NOTHING compared to seeing them with your own eyes. The little things that I complain about in the morning are laughable compared to what these people are being put through. I only wish we didn't have such a long day (84.5 miles) so that we could have stopped to see if there was any way we could help clean up the area.Starting back up in the afternoon rain was a struggle. About 15 miles out of Jackson, an interesting event happened: A bug flew in my mouth to the back of my throat and I swallowed it. Instantaneously, I pulled over and upchucked lunch. It's now 8:15pm and this reoccuring stomach issue is slightly irritating. My bike is also giving me a whirlwind of problems. I can't be bitter, all I can do is laugh... life's funny isn't it?On the flip, we got to swim in a pool today (: the church provided us a yummy dinner and desert including brownies with M&M's (: and I finally showered after well, a very very long time (: