Happy Birthday, Disha and a visit to the Hope Lodge!
YO!! Its Disha's birthday!!! Whoohooo!!!! Celebrate!!!! PARTYY!!!!We woke up this morning at a usual 6am and were on bikes by 7:30. To our surprise, the church's pastor met us at 7 with his bike and gear. We talked to him for a while about our route and he told us of a different way in which we climbed a huge hill overlooking the Mississippi River. We hung out and took lots and lots of pictures as it turned out to be a wonderful treat.The pastor turned around and returned to LaCrosse as we continued to Rochestor, MN. We have to mention that the pastor is a cool dude: he's about to do his 6th IronMan competition, each involving a 2.5 mile swim, a marathon run and 125 mile bike ride, all in one day. Can you imagine?! The bike ride alone is more than enough for us cyclists.The ride continued with some sparse raindrops and intense headwinds. Nevertheless, we made it to the Calvary Episcopal Church of Rochester, directly across the street from the Mayo Clinic.Within 30 minutes of arriving, we made our way to the American Cancer Society's Hope Lodge, a housing location for cancer patients and their support group. We were given an in-depth tour by the lovely staff and spent some time meeting some residents, asking more questions and completing portraits. The lodge was very inspirational, full of hope and life and welcoming and we are very thankful to have gotten the opportunity to visit.The night concluded with a homemade dinner, team meeting and a small ice cream party for Disha. Wish us luck as we spend tomorrow here in Rochester with a tour of the Mayo Clinic's Cancer Library!