Great lunch on the way to Albert Lea
This morning our team had a 5 a.m. wake up call because we needed to get out of the church in time for morning services. Some of us enjoyed getting out on the empty road, while others did not. The morning started out cool and weather soon turned to rain. Spirits were high and we took no rest until mile 52 when we stopped in Geneva, MN. Some of us stopped in a cute little deli and had lunch. We chatted with the patrons inside and one generous woman gave us a $100 donation. We also did a portrait with a woman we met inside.During what would become a 2.5 hour lunch stop, the team reconnected with their inner child and played "Rocks" on a nearby playground. The game is similar to tag, where one blindfolded person is "it" and must tag other players while they are on the playground equipment. The other players can step on the ground, but if the blindfolded person suspects anyone is on the floor, they can call "rocks!" and that person becomes "it." The I4K created their own rules as the game went on to make it more extreme and a good time was had by all.We got into Albert Lea relatively early and had a great dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup!