goodbye IL, hello Wisconsin!
No more miles of endless cornfields! We were on dirt bike trails for most of today's ride though. They weren't fun at all. Rain + sand/gravel = resistance and danger. I unexpectedly veered to the side of the gravel path and ended up splat on the ground. Not another fall... I was surprised by how much blood was flowing from my knee, but it was not painful at all. Although it was only a 63 mile ride, it felt like it took us forever to get to our stay-over.The morning started off good. We were chatting and having a relaxing bike ride. The last 20 miles after lunch were especially hard for me. My knee started acting up again and every pedal was painful. I hope this knee problem isn't permanent. I cannot imagine not being able to run anymore because of a bad knee. So many girls in I4k are having knee problems. I wonder if there is anything we can do to prevent this.