Family ride-along to Rochester rest day
It's been a while since my last post so I have many updates!I had a great two days in Chicago and was able to see family, friends and neighbors at a BBQ at my house. It was fun to catch up with everyone, share pictures, and show off my pretty tan lines. Uncle Don was especially fond of the glove tan lines. Jane even spent the night and was able to help me pack and gave me some excellent braids.On family ride-along day I was greeted at Millenium park by a good family friend Judy Weingarz. It was such a nice surprise to see her and catch up. Since my family was late getting to the park, Mrs. Weingarz was there for me during the appreciation Mosher. I had a great time biking with my dad, Johnny and Carolyn and in Highland Park I was able to meet up with my mom and Aunt Patty.We had a great stay at Kyle's church and were able to meet with Jon Schlesinger, one of the founders of I4K. It was great to hear him talk about his original vision for the organization and I hope we're able to keep connection to the cause alive.In Fitchburg my mom, my sister (and her friend Annie) came and brought us dinner. They also brought us lunch along the way the next day. It was fun to try and coordinate the lunch stop with my mom because she had no cues and none of us had cell reception. Apparently she was channeling Sean Laude on the way and got the SUV caught in a ditch. It worked out in the end and we all layed a grassy knoll eating while Sadie begged for treats.The hills of Wisconsin weren't too bad but they led us to the headwinds of Minnesota. We're now in Rochester, MN. We arrived just after a bad storm and have seen some of the aftermath of its destruction around town.Last night we visited a ACS Hope Lodge center where cancer patients can live while they are undergoing treatment at the Mayo Clinic. We walked in and were greeted by a cute welcome sign. Donna was the woman working the front desk and she gave us a tour of the place and told us some amazing stories. Afterward, we ate fruit (!!), bagels and juice and got to visit with some of the residents and do some portraits. I helped interview a mother who was a breast cancer survivor and then her son who is currently being treated at Mayo for leukemia.Today we got a tour of the Cancer library in Mayo Clinic from Sara. She told us about the center and we were all able to read some material and take some home. The room had some artwork in it and one of my favorites was a paper mache sculpture entitled "Annie." It was of a woman with one breast kneeling on the ground with a butterfly in her hand. Strewn on the ground behind her was an appointment book containing various to-dos and meetings. The description of the piece said that these appointments represent banalities of a former existence. It seems like the people we have spoken to all say that having cancer has reoriented their perspective in some way.