Enjoying Wisconsin
So I know that I am in much need of an update here but unfortunately there is no time for that today. So for now I'll just talk about today!Left Reedsburg this morning after a nice breakfast of peanut butter slathered bagels and the millions of awesome chocolate chip pop-tarts we were given. I decided to head off in a smaller group today, riding with 3-4 people is much less stressful and you can get into some better conversations. Disha, Lauren, and myself took our time this morning going our own pace. We had a surprise issue at about mile 35 when Disha got a flat flying down a hill. We stopped at the bottom to change and it and when we put the new tube in... it flatted as well! So Lauren had a spare patched tube with her and we put that in but the patch didnt hold so that tube was no good as well. So we were stuck on the side of the road 5 miles from the rest stop being passed by multitudes of horse-drawn carriages with no tubes that functioned properly. The tube lauren had just had a slow leak, so we pumped it up as much as we could and rode as FAST as humanly possible to get the rest stop before all the air escaped.We made it safe and sound, changed her tube and tire and were on our way again. The next rest stop was even better! Just before the stop, some people were taking a break at a cute little ice cream place so of course i had to join them. Got some delicious ice cream, and a 50 cent slushie! Then when we got to the real stop we had cheese curds, fresh strawberries, kiwi, watermelon, cantaloupe, and other scrumptious treats.Tonight we went our for ice cream..again... and then were able to find a Laundromat/coffee/ice cream/tanning place. Interesting combo, but they had internet so here we are! Im sure im missing many things from the day, but thats all i can pick from my brain at the moment. Soon im going to do an overall update on everything ive missed up til this point, and then i will try to stay more on top of updating this on a regular basis!! Miss you all!