Cyclin' With Horses
Hello all!! Today was another day of biking in some beautiful USA! Picture this: breakfast of donated Panera bagels, rolling green hills, sunshine, temperatures of something like 70-80 degrees. Maybe there were some clouds in the sky but only the most beautiful kind that is imaginable. Szymon even taught us a word game called "Contact" which helped all of us pass the time and get there. We arrived in LaCrosse, WI in the late afternoon and teammates went on their own ways. Some of us hit the People's Food Co-op (thanks Amy Swanson for the bit of knowledge from the past), others went on a jog and others took naps around the church. The night concluded with ice cream for some and hangin' out at a Mexican restaurant with the pastor and his family from the First Presbyterian Church. It was a great day and thanks again to the First Presbyterian Church of LaCrosse!!Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention - some of us on the team got about 20 horses to ride by our side for maybe 200-300 feet. Beautiful, beautiful day.