Chapter Deux: Exodus
So much has happened since my last post, so for expediency's sake, I'll forsake some details, but here it goes. Riding into Champaign was absolutely ridiculous. The alumni were so excited to see us. But for me the most intense part of it all was when I realized that I had made it back to home turf on my bike. That moment, riding in familiar territory, put it all into perspective. We made it back to school from NYC on our BIKES. I guess a part of me deep down inside continually doubted the entire endeavor, but now the immensity of the task has set in, and I think I'm more than ready for it. So champaign was great, seeing friends, albeit brief, was needed.We rode into Clifton the next day, and went out to a local establishment to catch the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup. Fast forward two days, and we're riding from Homewood to Millennium Park. That was another moment on this trip I will never forget. The whole team, as one unit, riding along the lake front trail barreling down on Millennium Park.Seeing all our families and supporters at Millennium Park was INSANE. So much pride and joy in everyone's eyes. Personally, it meant so much to me to see my father and sister there to cheer me on (and a close family friend). Thank you to everyone who has supported us in this great endeavor.We are now in Reedsburg, Wisconsin. I can't speak for the rest of the team, but the past three days, since we left Deerfield, have been rough. Two days of riding in the rain and a poor meal choice for lunch have amounted to me being sick today. Unfortunately, I had to sag in the van, but after a full day's rest, I am feeling much better and should be back on the proverbial horse tomorrow.