Albert Lea, MN 06/20
I can describe Minnesota in 3 statements: wind, rain and bagged milk. At least that has been my experience thus far.We had an early wake up of 5am to leave Rochester and I was actually quite sad to go. It may have been because the sun wasn't out yet, or that I knew a long day lay ahead, or that I was leaving where I might just work one day... either way, my nomad life must continue. I head out with Megan, Shao and Ana that day but after Megan blew another spoke, a substitution was called on the court and Steve traded in his van driving duties for his bike.This day I came to a conclusion: Shao is hilarious and I love her. She started the morning by giving me a big hug. Later, a few miles after Steve had joined our group, Shao proclaimed, "Steve, I have been riding behind you all this time staring at your calves." I almost peed my shorts. While playing contact, for Shao's turn, she makes up a first letter but never an actual word, also hilarious. Being Father's Day, she also jumped in on a phone call to my father (who verbally adopted her at my house previously). I love Shao and if I come home for Thanksgiving, she is coming to Mazurski Thanksgiving.I was very Nate-like this day. During lunch, we stopped at a small diner in Geneva, MN. The team spent hours playing "Rocks" while I slept inside. Upon arrival, some head out for bagged milk, but I joined the DQ crew. After a blizzard, I napped outside until everyone else was finished with their second servings. We head back to the church for a lovely grilled cheese and tomatoe soup dinner, and about 3 seconds after popping in Finding Nemo, I concluded my night by falling asleep at 8pm.