A wet day in Fitchburg, WI
What a wet ride today. It rained for the most part, but the 68 miles of cruising up and down small hills were pretty enjoyable. We passed by a herd of cows that started standing up when we moo-ed at them. Jordan managed a pretty impressive rendition of an angry bull. We also passed a huge factory that smelled delicious. Jordan and I thought it smelled like freshly baked bread, Michell thought it smelled like cheese. Whatever that factory was making, it was a nice change from the manure and fertilizers from farms and fields.We had a wonderful breakfast of french toast, cereal, yogurt and fruits prepared by the Topol family. For snacks, we had some yummy granola trail mix given to us by Mr and Mrs Volkman, which everyone gobbled down. We arrived at our stay-over pretty early, and had a lot of time to take a nap or just chill. Mary's mum brought us dinner, which was so delicious. Thank you to all who have put in so much effort to make sure we never go hungry!After dinner, some of us went to at a sweet bike shop and had a van tour of the town before deciding to go on an ice-cream hunt. We drove around in circles before coming to a really nice ice-cream shop. It was a great day.