A very busy day
Today we woke up early, in order to prepare for our nearly 100 mile journey to South Dakota in 90+ degree temperatures. After a delicious breakfast provided to us by the ladies of our Jackson stayover we were on the road. In terms of directions, today was one of the simpler days with only a few sets of cues in a couple of towns along the way, with long stretches in between. This led for much time for activities such as Contact and posing in front of the Manley, MN sign (Pop: 16). This year we also made a small revision to the route, opting to travel along the Iowa/South Dakota/Minnesota border. Strangely enough, we were the only group that managed to find the tri-state marker, indicating where the three states meet up. After our group finished posing around and on top of the marker, we finished up the last 16 miles of our ride and arrived into Sioux Falls.The pastor at the church we stayed at provided us with a few pizzas and some chicken for dinner. We supplemented that with some mostaccioli which we never actually got around to eating because shortly after it had finished getting prepared, we learned that the manager of a local Cici's Pizza invited the team over for a free dinner. We couldn't turn down a free meal so we loaded up in the van and headed over in a couple of groups. Thank you so much everybody who made this such a wonderful day!