3 States, 1 Day, 28 Pizzas!
Hello all,Yesterday was our first rest day in Pittsburgh, PA and we all enjoyed it thoroughly. Some did laundry, some got their eyebrows waxed, and everyone went to the Cubs vs Pirates baseball game! (Cubs lost!)At the begininning of the day, the team had to bid farewell to our #1 supporter--Sean Laude. Since we left Chicago, the 2007 rider/Illini 4000 Senior Director lended a HUGE helping hand in getting this year's trip off the ground. By driving the support van, always making sure we had water and food, and subbing in on another's bicycle. We will miss you, Sean, and we all wish you good luck with your new job next week. We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!Today marked Day 8 of riding as we traveled from PIttsburgh, PA, through West Virginia, to Cadiz, Ohio! Today exemplified to a great extent the dedication of the team and the way in which we carry out our vision. At 95 miles, today was our longest ride. Every group of riders interacted with communities along the route today. Some helped firemen push a car, some talked to community members about the organization, and some even got escorted across an interstate bridge by West Virginia's finest!The day only got better when the riders stopped by a local ice cream shop by the stayover! Finally, the team would like to thank Pat and Terri O'Hara (Eamon's parents) for donating 1 pizza for every rider (yes, 28 pizzas! And Domino's even through in a couple extra!)-The Illini 4000!