We are riding on!
So here's my second post. If you have read my first post, you might not have expected me to blog again. I had not wanted an incomplete recollection of the trip. But taking into the fact that I have not been diligently journaling nor posting consistently, I bet I'll not be able to recall all the beautiful details!We had such a good thanksgiving dinner today, thanks to Eamon, Diana and Mary for preparing the awesome food. But I think what made the dinner so special was the team eating together and acknowledging the tremendous effort each and every one has put forth in making the experience worthy and the team, a success. No words could aptly describe how I feel on the trip, or how my feelings have changed along the way. "Great experience" or "once-in-a-lifetime opportunity" is far from being sufficient. Just meeting people and hearing their stories are overwhelming and empowering. Learning how people's lives were turned upside down by cancer and yet how they battled it so bravely has been indeed encouraging. A girl whom we did a portrait on today had Leukemia and she had to go through awful shots on her thighs for 56 days, every single day. She was only 8 then. It's has been 2 years now. When we talked with her today, she was so cheerful and did not seem to be affected at all! I marvel at her inner strength and innocence.Sometimes I wonder if cancer brings out the best in people. I'm not saying that the girl is strong only because she's got cancer. But going through something like this definitely makes people stronger. "What does not break you is going to make you!." Like what the girl's mom said, there is a greater purpose in it!Going back to the thanksgiving dinner, we said what we are thankful for. It's great to express gratitude and recognize everyone's effort in making the journey smooth-sailing.I remember Steve told me that we should not call it a "cause", that we should not be riding for a "cause". He does not like that word, but couldn't find another word. I think I understand what he says. Maybe it does not encompass the larger idea of hope. But I cannot find another better word for now too.And lastly, I pray for Lauren's knee. I hope it gets better and does not get in her way of wanting to ride. She wrote a paragraph about how much she loves me some days ago, haha. I love you too Lauren! I don't think I would be able to come up with 2 paragraphs (as promised) about how much I love you. But you know I do:)If you had a wish, what would you wish for?