Train to NYC
I am writing this sitting on the train, somewhere in the middle of New York. I'm not quite sure where we are; all I know is that we have another 9 or so hours to go, and have already been on here for 11. Most people are trying (more or less successfully) to stay asleep as much as they can. The seats are a little roomier than those on airplanes, but they don't recline that much further. This is making me all that more excited to spend the summer on a bike and moving, instead of sitting still. Then again, this seat is a little more comfortable than my bike saddle, but that isn't saying much.That said, I think it's time I introduce this blog. You know my name because you needed it to navigate to this page anyway, so I'll skip that part. I hope I continue to update this, but I really have no idea what this trip will be like. Forgive me if you refresh the pages to find nothing new; that means we'll have to get together some time and talk about it all.Anyway, I'll start writing about the my first experience with I4K. I think it was at Convocation, one of my first days at the university, and I saw a few people stand up on the podium and talk about biking across America. That and the ultimate frisbee team were the only things I really remember from that day. I thought it sounded like an incredible adventure, and as I had just bought my new bike (this one I am in love with and have on this trip) I thought it might be doable. I scouted them out on Quad Day, when all of the registered student organizations had their booths set up in the quad, and asked for more information. I went to an informational meeting, and ended up being the only prospecting student there with a bunch of past riders, and instead of deterring me, I loved it all the more; these people were great. I went for an interview, and left there with the excitement that I still have today. A perfect fit: biking, traveling, landscapes, fighting cancer, and great people to do it with. What a perfect summer.So here I am, on the precipice of the adventure of a lifetime, and I'm hungry. I have food, I just don't want to eat it all now and get bored immediately afterwards. I just finished the first round of editing the pictures from my Aunt Margie's (and UNCLE Brian's) wedding. I wonder when they'll get to see them...I'm staring down Pi's Calvin and Hobbes book, and will let you go for now. Keep in touch. Send me emails at , I'll try to respond. I also hope to link my photos to this site somehow once I A) take some and B) find a place to put them.Check the map at , go to Route, and then you'll always know where I am.(how does one end a post? you can't say a farewell as in a conversation, but nor can you end it like a letter [Sincerely, Greg] just doesn't work. I think I'll just stop writing. That ought to do it).__