To Lancaster, PA Strawberry Fields and feeling fine
Yesterday we rode about 80 miles through Amish country and the rolling hills of PA. Everyone we encountered was very friendly! It's fun to see how much a state can change as you get through it. PA is huge! Even though this day was almost just as hot, I think I did a better job hydrating myself, so the day was a blast.We rode about 20 miles on a flat bike trail when we left Philly which was awesome! Some of the people I was riding with and I went to this abandoned factory that had some really sweet graffiti.The hills were difficult again but I was able to get through them. Our president, Conor, did the ride last year and his words were encouraging. He told us that the first 5 days or so will be really tough, but after that everything will get easier once we're used to the schedule and everything. I kept thinking of that to get me through.Right before lunch some of us decided to stop at a strawberry stand outside a home. We had seen so many signs for freshly picked strawberries and Pi insisted so we had to stop. They were hands down the best strawberries I had ever tasted and I don't even think this is because we were cycling in the heat all day. After we had bought a few quarts, the woman running the stand went into her home and got us a bowl of powdered sugar to dip the strawberries in. om nom nom.Immediately after the strawberries, we found a nice shady spot at a house and got permission to use their lawn/gazebo to eat lunch. Then we got the best phone call ever...Sean has been driving the van for us and he was on his way to meet up with us and for some reason decided to turn our huge 12 passenger van around and got it stuck in a ditch. All of us had to turn around and go help. We were going to unload the van so that we could push it out, but a truck passed us and towed the van out.The best part happened after the van got out of the ditch. Lauren was riding in the van for the second part of the day because her knee was acting up, and after we got towed, Sean just drove away to the lunch stop! Lauren was just standing there on the side of the road with us without a bike or any way of getting there. She eventually hitched a ride with someone. Lauren made sure to make Sean feel bad, so he made her an apology sandwich with special bread. Nicee.Our stayover was awesome. We stayed in a giant First United Methodist Church with SHOWERS and ate awesome leftovers from our first stayover. I went to bed early, admiring all the battle wounds on my legs.