Playing Catch Up
Sorry I haven't updated in a while! Things have been hectic as usual and it's been hard to find time to update everyone. I first would like to thank everyone involved with making this trip a success so far including but not limited to all of my generous donors, my forever helpful parents, the hardest working board of directors, and everyone else that has helped in one way or another. This trip simply would not be possible without your support.The team has looked really good these first few days, even considering these are some of the hardest of the trip. Our route sends us strait to the mountains with little time to prepare and our first rest day isn't until Pittsburgh. It's hard to imagine that this physical challenge will get easier, but everyone has handled it so well. Seeing the team come together to cook the food for the entire group gave me a lot of hope for our upcoming weeks. Cooking for 27 people is far from easy on a limited budget but many individuals stepped up to help even though they didn't need to. That really means a lot after a hard day of riding when you just want to take a nap instead.Well that's all I have time for tonight, but as things begin to settle down in the upcoming days I plan to post updates more often.