New York Rest Day 5/22/2010
This was our rest day in New York. I planned to take a ride around Manhattan this morning but woke up to 28 people trying to use one bathroom. (I'm taking videos of all our stayovers but the files are too big to upload! Sorry!) Instead of waiting for my turn and then biking, I ditched the bike ride and hit the town. Fruit in Central Park and a run under a sprinkler was all I could accomplish before I got to see my mom and sister who came to see the I4k send off. We visited Stawberry Fields in Central Park (a memorial for John Lennon). we ate some fancy burgers, stood in line for musical tickets and walked too much. Granted, it was very rewarding to be with my family before my ride.At night we visited some members of the New York alumni club. I was very happy to see that the founder of the Other Guys (the acapella group that I am a member of) was in attendance. That man is the epitome of Illini Pride. He really made the visit enjoyable for everyone. A team meeting, a tune up, writing cues (directions), packing up and a little videotaping later, I find myself in my bed saying goodnight. I was kind of stoic today. I think it is because I am anxious to ride tomorrow! And leave New York. It smells. Can't wait for Chicago!