Hot ride to Philadelphia
Our second day of riding was a tough one. It was particularly hot out, around 93! I think we rode about 75 miles. We were introduced to hills and I did okay for awhile until the heat started getting to me. I fell twice while standing in place because it was so hot and I didn't clip out properly. I have some gnarly bruises!After lunch I felt much better and was ready to roll! We eventually arrived in Philly and rode through the city near the art museum. (That's the museum where Rocky ran up the steps)We stayed at a Methodist church that had a big room for us and after having some pizza that was donated to us by the Illinois Alumni organization in Philadelphia, some of us walked around the town to set out for a Philly Cheesesteak. We ended up going to a hilarious corner store that sold drinks from big glass fridges like a gas station, and the menu was truly a smorgasbord. Not only did the place have Philly cheesestakes, it had Chinese, Greek, Fish, etc. It was fun to chill out before going to bed.