Gettysburg 05/28
Today was a nice change from the past few days, we may have even broken the "Lady Pack's Demon Curse" (knock on wood). Weather was down to around 60 degrees instead of 90 and the ride was only 60 miles into Gettysburg... and yes I rode the entire way. The hills weren't that enjoyable but riding with my hurt knee buddy Ana and our support teammate Tracey, we made it in by 1:30. Upon our arrival, we found a delicious restaurant and decided to treat ourselves to a nutritious (and quite filling) meal. I sprung for desert first. It was amazing.Ana and I are now at "Dolly's Wash House" getting our clothes nice and clean. While handwashing is lovely, I'm really looking forward to some fantastic smelling DRY clothes... the past few days we have been hang drying over night and packing them away damp in the morning, woof.Gettysburg itself seems like a pretty cool town. I'm hoping to head out and explore in a little bit, but a nap sounds equally as satisfying. Tomorrow we hit the mountains so we shall see how that goes, a nice 60 degree overcast would be the perfect match, cross your fingers!