First very out of date blog- 5/22/2010 New York, NY
This past Thursday I checked in with my oncologist. In fact, I nearly forgot that I had my appointment but, regardless, I was still very excited to see my former caretakers and to hear the test results. My lab results all came back negative. No news is good news! I took this chance to ask my oncologist about his opinions on the new healthcare bill. His main concern was the amount of time medical tests and procedures for scheduling because he feels that doctors will be paid by salary and not by the amount of patients that they see. If this happens, doctors will not take forty patients if they will only get paid for ten. This will slow down the entire process of meeting with a doctor. Students contemplating going into medicine may reject that thought because of a decrease in pay.After meeting with my doctor, I went to visit with the nurses who cared for me. The main nurse that cared for me had the day off, so I left my phone number for her. I received her phone call the following day. She told me that she was retiring next week! She did not plan for it. She said it was more because of her personal health complications. I asked if she could tell me. She has breast cancer. My world turned upside down. She couldn't get breast cancer. She has been fighting this battle for other people her whole life. There is no mercy for the onset of cancer. I love her and she is forever in my prayers. It was kind of funny to comfort her with words that she used to comfort me. I hope she can find some faith in the Illini 4000's efforts and their ride across the country.Getting to New York took an entire day and then some. The train ride was 23 hours. Yikes. I think we were completely stopped for about six hours in total. This sounds frustrating until you realize the people that I was surrounded by. There were ways to pass the time. My favorite way was with Pi. Sleeping bag war. Think of medieval jousting but instead with sleeping bags and bike helmets on a train ride. Unfortunately, I lost. One thing I noticed about this year's team is the amazing focus that we have on our cause and our mission. I find motivation in my teammates as I hope they do in me.I am excited to see my mom and twin sister tomorrow and show them a little bit of New York. I hope they don't realize I will not be showered...