5/26/2010- Philadelphia, PA. LOST!
I was hoping day 2 would fair a little bit better than the former. In fact, the day started out great. We averaged about 20 miles an hour out of Hillsbourogh. We tackled the first 25-30 miles like it was our job. Then, my knee decided to get mad at me. IT band syndrome is the name and it is not fun. I don't have it as bad as Lauren Mazurski, put to put it simply, my IT band is too tight, so it rubs against a bony prominence on my tibia. Because of this, hills and quick rotations are particularly painful. Unfortunately, the best way to alleviate the pain is rest. Rest doesn't come often during a ride across the country.My bike computer was not working well. No worries, I reinstalled it! Who knew I could learn so much about bikes. I never realized how much I worried about my pace until my computer stopped working. I am a terrible pacer without my bike computer. At least it worked enough in the ride to tell me that I was going 42.3 miles an hour down a hill.This was a rough day for the team in general because of detours, missed turns, injuries and incorrect directions. However, the group pulled it together and everything was left out on the road, preparing for another day.At the stayover, I had the pleasure of meeting an alumni, Robin, who brought us dinner after the ride. I had alot of fun leaning about her and telling her about my story. She definitely cheered up my day.No shower today, hope the team doesn't notice. Bedtime.