Naked Idaho
The ride from Missoula was awesome. We went over Lolo Pass around mile 40, and the rest of the ride was downhill. Also at mile 40 we hit the Idaho border, where we continued the tradition of riding shirtless for the rest of the ride. Around mile 67 we hiked just over a mile to hot springs, where we hung out for over two hours. Just before we arrived at the hot springs, we realized that the campground we had intended to stay was closed. So we had a decision to make, either we would stay at the closed campground, ride 3 more miles to a campground without water, or ride an extra 28 miles to the next full camping area. We decided to ride the extra 28, so our 68 mile day turned in 96 miles. Since we knocked 28 miles off yesterday, we had an extra short 58 miles today!
Idaho has been a great state so far, not only because it's been mostly downhill & beautiful, but also because we've met a lot of cyclists who are doing similiar things as we are. Yesterday we met a man who is cycling from Boston to Portland for his 70th birthday-BY HIMSELF! He was definitely an inspiration to all of us. We also met a man, also touring by himself, cycling from Wyoming to Oregon, and he stayed the night with us at our campsite. After meeting all the tourists, and seeing the gear they carry with them, it's clear that we definitely have it easy!