Independence Day
A few days ago we left Minnesota for South Dakota which is an awesome state so far. The first couple days were pretty flat and, thankfully, there was no sign of the wind! It has recently gotten hilly, rolling, which is beautiful- we can actually see ribbons of highway.
The rest day in Mitchell was nice too. I spent it grocery shopping, reading, and my family came up for a visit and we had a nice dinner and I got to sleep in a real bed with blankets and pillows! Awesome, right?
Today's ride was decent: no wind, rolling hills, and tons of flats. Those kind of slowed us down but the milkshake in town sure turned that around. And tonight, Murdo is having a fireworks show just a couple blocks away that the whole team is going to seeing as it is the day of our country's independence. We also probably had one of the funniest adn inspirational speeches this morning: Matt Cady (with a new found mullet) recited with vigor, the speech from the movie Independence Day. That was awesome. Definitely got us through the day and even inspired much singing of songs about America for most of the 72 miles!