Day 45 - Through Rain and Hail
Greybull, WY to Cody, WY
Today's ride was not too bad. Our group got caught in a flash storm just outside Cody, and rode through some freezing rain and pretty painful hail for about a mile, and then the sun came right back out, and none of the groups in front of us or behind us got wet at all. Adam also found a flag on the side of the road and wore it for the rest of the day, and called himself Flag Man for the rest of the day. Once we got into town, we saw a deer standing in someone's front yard right by our stayover, and hours later, when I was coming back from the library, it was there again, just standing there eating flowers. It amazes me that these animals which we rarely see in Illinois, are bold enough to eat in people's lawns and not be afraid of humans out here.
States traveled through:15(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, SD, WY)
Distance today: 70 mi
Total Distance traveled: 2818 mi