Day 4
Newark DE to Baltimore MD. Todays ride was pretty hard, definitely the hardest of the trip. We had to ride on lots of busy highways, there were tons of hills, and we didn't have a lot of room to actually ride, since we had to make sure that the cars that were passing us at 60 mph weren't going to hit us. Then, on the way into Baltimore, our group had 3 flat tires and a broken derailleur within the last 8 miles into the city, so it took us over two hours to make it into the city. I also hit my all time record for fastest speed, my cyclometer recorded me going 39.4 mph. Baltimore was not my favorite city(it was pretty dirty and homeless at night), but we did get discounts on food from Five Guys Restaurant (Best burgers in Baltimore!), and the people in Maryland were awesome. Tons of people asked us what we were doing, and we ended up getting $42 in donations from random people on the streets and also another couple bought us two pizzas at a rest stop about 50 miles into our trip!
States traveled through:5(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD)
Distance today: 80 mi
Total Distance traveled: 272 mi