Day 31 - 90 miles of uphill
Albert Lea, MN to Jackson, MN
The ride today was one of my least favorite, rivaling the day(s) we got lost in the PA mountains and the rainy crashy day into DC as the worst ride day. We had to go even longer than yesterday and into a 30 mph headwind this time. For those of you who don't ride, riding into a head-wind feels like riding uphill with a flat tire, and todays route had us riding straight into the wind for literally the first 84 miles of the day, and the fact that we got to ride the last two miles with the wind at our back wasn't much of a condolence. I hate head-winds more than anything else on this ride, and would rather climb a 10-mile mountain any day. As we say, every uphill has a downhill, but head-winds have no end in sight.
We also had only minimal fruit, cookie crumbs, and potato chips to eat at the snack stops, so that didn't help much either. Our ride ended up being almost 6 and a half hours long, and my knees are not feeling very good right now, but I plan on coating my legs in Icy Hot tonight to try to solve the problem. Tomorrows ride is even longer, so we're hoping to avoid winds this time. Tomorrow we enter South Dakota, another state I've never been to, so I am kinda excited about that.
States traveled through:13(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN)
Distance today: 86 mi
Total Distance traveled: 1909 mi