Best Stayover Ever
On the last day of our 10-day riding spree, the whole team rode out together from Richmond, IN for a much-anticipated rest day with the Bartholomew family in Greenwood. We've emerged from the mountains as stronger riders, and even after our epic 110 mile ride we were all feeling in great shape. With the miles slipping away effortlessly under our wheels in the flatlands, we were able to ride as a single pack most of the way for the first time. We also finally rode a millennium, breaking 1000 miles. When we finally arrived en masse at Daniel's house, we found a paradise awaiting us: a giant welcome sign, a tent with 22 beds in the back yard, a pond, and food already on the grill. This was certainly going to be the best stayover ever.
Immediately upon arriving, we headed straight for the pond and found two paddle boats. The only logical conclusion to unwind after a long day of riding was to hop in the boats and have an epic pirate battle. Other than pond piracy, highlights from the Bartholomew house include phenomenal (and free) ice cream at Mrs. Curl's courtesy of John Cassin, karaoke the likes of which have never before been seen in Greenwood (watch for a YouTube link soon), lounging on the patio or by the pond, unbelievable amounts of fantastic food, and more late-night karaoke with Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew. The man has some pipes.
We slept in late on our rest day (8:30 is late these days), enjoyed biscuits and gravy for breakfast and passed the day watching movies, swimming in a neighbor's pool, and tuning up bikes for tomorrow when we must sadly leave this wonderland. Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew treated the team to Mexican food and sundaes, putting a sweet cap on a sweet rest day. Tomorrow, we head out to Rockville, IN to find what surprises and gems await us next. Many thanks to the Bartholomews!